Expat Angst: Call for poetry submissions from across the globe

We take pleasure in announcing a proposed anthology on modern-day expat/identity/immigrant themes, dealing with aspects such as homecoming, loneliness, culture shock, dilemma, dejection, excitement, success, opportunity, frustration, helplessness, rootlessness, building bonds and nostalgia, to name a few.


The word ‘expat’ typically refers to someone who lives and works outside his native home territory, and signifies emotions as varied as excitement and anticipation, to helplessness and uncertainty. Today, however, these lines have blurred-one does not have to be living outside one’s homeland to be an expat. What with the sudden and unpredictable situations that life throws at us every day, we tend to feel like expats, even in our own home.
Through this anthology, we hope to capture these modern day emotions and highlight the concept of ‘expat’ angst (deep feelings, both positive and negative, about the human condition- either in a physical sense of ‘territory and identity’ or in an emotional sense of belonging nowhere, or even in an optimistic sense of welcoming and thriving in the new-physical or situational), that we experience every day.



  • A maximum of 3 poems per person, written in English (only unpublished poems). Each poem should not exceed 30 lines. Editors/publishers reserve the right to choose all three or any two of these poems.
  • All contributions to be made in MS Word format. Contributors are requested to submit a letter giving consent to publish the poem(s) and an undertaking that the submissions have not been published elsewhere earlier.
  • Font: Times New Roman 12, single spacing, followed by a brief bio of the contributor not exceeding 100 words.
  1. Sub-Themes
    Identity, belonging, soullessness, migration, exile, isolation, darkness, makeover, duality, plurality, community, togetherness, travel, wanderlust and all related emotions that define life outside of the physical and emotional comfort zone.
  2. Copyright
    The individual retains the right to his/her work/submissions. The editors and or publisher(s) will hold the copyright for the final published anthology.

Editors: Prof Roopali Sircar Gaur and Anita Joseph

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