Kurukshetra – Between War and Peace 

Call for Submissions: Anthology of Poetry and Creative Nonfiction

Kurukshetra – Between War and Peace 

Editors: Prof. Dr. Roopali Sircar Gaur, Ph.D. & Anita Joseph


Kurukshetra, moves beyond its ancient tale to reflect today’s world. It reminds us of the ongoing struggle between good and evil, highlighting ethical dilemmas we face. It reveals the consequences of unchecked ambition, greed, envy, and ego, showing how fragile peace can be.

Beyond its mythological roots, Kurukshetra becomes a symbol of contemporary battles against intolerance, injustice, and inequality. It blurs lines between right and wrong amid conflicting ideologies. It challenges humanity’s eternal choice between war and peace, urging us to seek justice and equity. But at the same time any war is a crime against humanity and the ecosystem we live in.

This anthology is not just about Kurukshetra, here authors can reflect upon various other historical and mythological conflicts: the biblical journeys of the Israelites, ancient wars that shaped civilizations, World Wars, and modern genocides. Authors are invited to contribute and explore the theme Kurukshetra: between war and peace.


Historical Conflicts and Their Lessons

  • The Battle of Kurukshetra and Its Message
  • The Exodus and Battles of the Israelites
  • Ancient Wars and Their Echoes in Modern Society
  • The World Wars and the Pursuit of Global Peace
  • Genocides: Historical and Modern Perspectives

Today’s Active battlegrounds and war zones

  • Contemporary Struggles for Regional Dominance
  • Religious and Secular Divides in Conflict Zones

Cold War and New Cold War

  • Ideological Confrontations and Global Tensions
  • Proxy Wars and Superpower Rivalries
  • The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation
  • Humanitarian Crises and Global Response Efforts

Global Arms Trade and Economic Costs of War

  • Weapons, wars and economics
  • Environmental impact of weapons manufacturing and war zones.
  • Social costs of militarization on communities and societies.
  • Long-term economic, social and environmental implications 

The Dichotomy of War and Peace

  • The Fragility of Peace in a World of Conflict
  • The Ethical Dilemmas of War
  • Non-Violence as a Path to Conflict Resolution
  • The Role of Diplomacy and Dialogue
  • Power, Justice, and Moral Conflicts

The Quest for Power: Heroism and Hubris

  • Justice and Injustice in Times of War
  • Moral Ambiguities in Conflict Situations
  • Sacrifice and Redemption in Wartime Narratives

Modern Parallels to Ancient Battles

  • Contemporary Conflicts and Their Ancient Counterparts
  • The Role of Ideology in Modern Wars
  • The Impact of Technology on Warfare
  • Environmental Conflicts and Their Global Implications

Personal Reflections on War and Peace

  • The Internal Struggle Between Violence and Non-Violence
  • Personal Narratives of Conflict and Reconciliation
  • The Psychological Impact of War on Individuals
  • Finding Peace Within Amidst External Turmoil


  • Contributors may submit up to three pieces of poetry.
  • Contributors can also submit prose poetry.
  • Articles/thoughts/Meditational pieces are also welcome, between 450 to 600 words. Do not exceed 600 words.

Bio format*( Word limit for bio: 100 words)


Poet, author, communication professional, and teacher based in Paris, United Kingdom. Alumnus of Harvard College, Paris. Has worked with the United Natural Organization (UNO) as its Secretary General. Before joining UNO, led a mission to the moon to explore the possibility of human habitation. He/She won a prestigious award for literature. His/Her first poetry collection, titled “Poetry of the Forest,” earned him/her the prestigious jury prize. ABXXXXX BDXXXX has also taught at UNO University for a year. He/She is a columnist and regular contributor to leading dailies like Global Newspaper, where he/she writes on drama, poetry, and creativity.


  1. Language: English
  2. Originality: All submissions must be original works, previously unpublished.
  3. Each piece of poetry should not exceed 30 lines.
  4. Each article/thought piece should be between 450 to 600 words, not exceeding 600 words.
  5. Contributors are welcome to submit up to three and one article for consideration.
  6. Submissions must be shared in a Word Document. (NO PDF Files)
  7. Please include a brief bio (NOT MORE THAN 100 words)*
  8. AI generated content/poetry submissions will be rejected.
  9. Editors reserve the right to edit and refine the submissions and bio.
  10. Editors reserve the right to reject the submissions that do not conform to specifications.
  11. Copyright: The individual retains the right to his/her work/submission. 
  12. Publishers & editors of the anthology would hold the copyright for the published Anthology, Kurukshetra – Between War and Peace 
  13. Publisher reserve the right to bring out the anthology in different formats and volumes, if required.

Submission Deadline: 18 August  2024

When is the book expected to be published:

The anthology will be published in print by September 2024


The anthology will be published by  TDW Publishing.

Note to all contributors

Contributors are requested to include a line in their submissions stating their consent to publish the poem and an undertaking that the said poem has not been published elsewhere.

SUBMISSION FEE: Free (There is no entry fee or submission fee)


The book will be available in print format through online platforms for authors to order.

 Authors can order their copies through all major e-Commerce platforms.

●          Amazon

●          Wall Mart

●          Flipkart

●          Barnes & Nobles


  • Submissions should be sent via email to tdw.anthologysubmissions@gmail.com with the subject line “Kurukshetra”
    • Please include a brief bio and contact information with your submission.

Deadline for submissions is 18 August 2024.

Send your contributions via Emai:


subject line: Kurukshetra

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