
Calling all aspiring and accomplished writers of all ages, to submit their writing with us, in order to be considered for publishing. We don’t have too many rules, but we encourage our writers to go through the guidelines below, before they begin their journey with us. We publish both fiction and non-fiction


TDW focuses on books for children, both non-fiction, fiction and educational books

Other books

  • Coffee table books
  • E-Books/Digital books
  • Philosophy
  • Business/Management
  • Spirituality/Theology/Religions


Guidelines for authors: Writing for children

Topic/Subject: Any topic can be chosen, which will be of interest to children.


Age Group Content Word limit Pages
Three  to Six plus( children who  read words and sentences) Nursery, KGs- upto std 1) Pictures + Word content


1000 to 1200 words





25-30 pages
Six to Eight ( Early Readers) Pictures + Word content 2000 to 5000



40 to 70
Seven to Nine ( Chapter books) 5000 to 10000



60 to 80 pages


Nine to Twelve 30000 to 50000 100 to 150 pages

Young Adult (YA): 12-18 years

50,000 to 100,00 words 150 to 250 pages